The Right Here Right Now 2 (RHRN2) programme is a strategic partnership between Rutgers (lead), ARROW, AMPF and CHOICE for youth and sexuality, Reproductive Health Uganda and RNW Media. The programme runs from 2021 to 2025, taking place in 10 countries in Africa and Asia and at a global and regional level. RHRN 2 Nepal coalition is implementing the five-year partnership (2021-2025) to empower young people, increase public support for Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), and improve policies and laws on CSE and SRHR, and strengthen capacity of civil society organizations. The RHRN2 Nepal Coalition consists of six diverse organizations representing youth-led organizations, feminist-led organization, queer-led organization, organization led by people with disability. YUWA is the country lead for this RHRN2 Nepal Coalition. The coalition envisions to ensure young people aged 15-30 in their diversity are empowered to exercise all aspects of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in a supportive social and enabling legal environment in Nepal by 2025.
National CSE Advocacy Coalition under the technical and financial support of UNFPA, was formed with the aim to consolidate, coordinate and improve collaboration among relevant stakeholders to ensure creating an enabling political and socio-cultural environment that supports CSE at the federal, provincial, and local levels, and promoting the delivery of quality CSE that promotes human rights and gender equality in and out of school. The need to strengthen the individual efforts of the organizations to amplify the impact on CSE is of foremost importance. The CSE coalition is a loose form of organization. The core working group comprises 13 organizations which include Beyond Beijing Committee (BBC) Nepal, Birat Nepal Medical Trust (BNMT Nepal), Blue Diamond Society (BDS), Blind Youth Association Nepal (BYAN), Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN), Hami Daju Vai (Brothers of Nepal), Mitini Nepal, SISo Nepal, Social Changemakers and Innovators (SOCHAI), Visible Impact, WOREC Nepal, Youth-led Sexual and reproductive Health Rights Advocacy Nepal (YoSHAN), Y-PEER Nepal,YUWA and Yuwalaya. Other allies to the coalition include Population Services International (PSI), Plan International Nepal, Save the Children, VSO Nepal, United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and World Health Organization (WHO).
Established in 2009, YUWA is a registered not for profit, purely youth run and led organization working to promote youth participation through empowerment and advocacy. YUWA was born out of a group of committed youths, unofficially working in this sector since 2005. The initial focus was to develop leadership skills of the involved youths, to train as youth activists and to advocate for change, thus resulting into a wide and diverse array of knowledge, skills and experience in this sector. It led to the realization of the seriousness of youth issues and the need to act, which, finally took the shape of YUWA. Since its formal establishment, YUWA has concentrated upon holistic youth issues and is especially working on three thematic issues- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Active Citizenship and Center for Youth Studies. True to its meaning, its executive body of decision makers include youths between the age-group of 16 to 29 only. With its strong networking, good leadership and youth friendly environment, YUWA has provided a platform for youth to explore themselves and to discuss and act on global and local issues.